Experienced expert for renewable gases along the value chain
Energy transition faces enormous challenges and needs more cooperation
15 years of experience in the field of renewable gases, initially as project manager for renewable energies with a focus on development and implementation of biomethane feed-in projects.
Since 2019 within the EnBW AG in the gas value chain developing business models along the value chain of renewable gases; representing EnBW in technical committees and expert groups of various associations and development positioning in energy industry issues related to renewable gases.
Wasserstoff-WG DVGW 2024, Germany
Gasdagarna 2023, Sweden
dena Energiewende-Kongress_2021, Germany
3rd Global LNG &Hydrogen Forum, Italy 2021
dena Energiewende-Kongress_2020, Lightning Talks - H2- Ein neuer Stoff für ALLE (S), 2020
2022: Handbuch elektrische Energieversorgung: Energietechnik und Wirtschaft im Dialog ; Co-author Chapter 19: Verification Methods for Renewable Electricity – Guarantees of Origin, PPAs and Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin