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Tatiana Demeusy

Experienced expert for renewable gases along the value chain

Energy transition faces enormous challenges and needs more cooperation

EnBW AG / Senior Manager Renewable Gases
/ Karlsruhe
, ,

15 years of experience in the field of renewable gases, initially as project manager for renewable energies with a focus on development and implementation of biomethane feed-in projects.

Since 2019 within the EnBW AG in the gas value chain developing business models along the value chain of renewable gases; representing EnBW in technical committees and expert groups of various associations and development positioning in energy industry issues related to renewable gases.

Wasserstoff-WG DVGW 2024, Germany

Gasdagarna 2023, Sweden

dena Energiewende-Kongress_2021, Germany

3rd Global LNG &Hydrogen Forum, Italy 2021

dena Energiewende-Kongress_2020, Lightning Talks - H2- Ein neuer Stoff für ALLE (S), 2020

2022: Handbuch elektrische Energieversorgung: Energietechnik und Wirtschaft im Dialog ; Co-author Chapter 19: Verification Methods for Renewable Electricity – Guarantees of Origin, PPAs and Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin

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