© Enno Kapitza

Regina Reck

Researcher working in sustainability topics (GHG emission assessments) in energy economics

Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft (FfE), Senior Research Consultant

Ended soon

Trained economist that now works in Life Cycle Assessment, with a focus on hydrogen projects. Experience with carbon footprint calculations, with a focus on hydrogen. Research also related to the regulatory framework for hydrogen emission accounting (EU: Delegated Act; USA: Inflation Reduction Act, …)

i) IEWT: "Relevance of Emission Accounting Methods for the Classification of Green Hydrogen", 2023, https://iewt2023.eeg.tuwien.ac.at/programme_text

ii) 1. Transferkongress Wasserstoff – Schlaglichter aus den Reallaboren: "Grüner Wasserstoff: Emissionsbilanzierung und –grenzwerte", 2023, https://www.dena.de/fileadmin/dena/Dokumente/Veranstaltungen/Transfer_Kongress_Wasserstoff/Agenda_Transferkongress_Wasserstoff.pdf

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