Dr Qiong Cai is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and an Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering at the University of Surrey. She completed her PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from University of Edinburgh and was a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial College London before joining Surrey. Her current research focuses on multi-scale materials design for net-zero energy conversion and storage applications including electrolysis hydrogen production, fuel cells, batteries, and CO2 conversion. Her research has been funded by UKRI EPSRC, H2FC SUERGEN Hub, Faraday Institution, the Royal Society, and Horizon Europe. She has supervised 7 postdocs and 14 PhD students as the primary supervisor and has published over 110 peer-reviewed research articles.
Plenary Talk: A multiscale journal into fuel cells and electrolysis hydrogen production, H2FC SUPERGEN Researcher Conference, University of St Andrews, 8-9 June 2022.
Q. Cai, C. S. Adjiman, N. P. Brandon, Optimal control strategies for hydrogen production when coupling solid oxide electrolysers with intermittent renewable energies, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 268, 212-224.
Q. Cai, E. Luna-Ortiz, C. S. Adjiman, N. P. Brandon, The effects of operating conditions on the performance of a solid oxide steam electrolyser: a model-based study, Fuel Cells, 2010, 10, 1114-1128.