© Xiaohong Li

Professor Xiaohong Li

Professor Xiaohong Li is a professor and chair of energy storage in Renewable Energy Group and Director of Global Development (Renewable Energy Penryn) at the University of Exeter. Xiaohong’s research interests focus on energy conversion and storage, with an emphasis on battery electrode materials, anion exchange membrane (AEM) water electrolysers for hydrogen production, and nanoscale materials for electrocatalysis. She is currently the principal investigator at the University of Exeter side for a Horizon 2020 project of MELODY Membrane-free low cost high density redox flow battery, an EU Interreg 2 Seas project of E2C Electrons to high value Chemical products, and the Co-Director of EPRSC Place-Based Impact Acceleration Account project of GW-SHIFT: Great Western Supercluster of Hydrogen Impact for Future Technologies. Xiaohong is the author of > 100 peer-reviewed journal papers including two book chapters and 10 invited review papers in the area of redox flow battery (RFB) technology and AEM water electrolyser for hydrogen production. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

University of Exeter

Xiaohong received her BSc in Organic Chemistry in 1990 from Lanzhou University. After experience as an engineer/project manager for PetroChina Ltd, she returned to university to complete her MSc in Analytical Chemistry in 2000 and PhD in Physical Chemistry in 2003 from Lanzhou University and Peking University. Between 2003 and 2013, she had worked in the University of Southampton and appointed as a Senior Consulting Engineer in the Research Institute for Industry. Xiaohong is currently a professor and chair of energy storage in Renewable Energy Group and Director of Global Development (Renewable Energy Penryn) at the University of Exeter.

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