DateJuly 11, 2022
TimeFrom 6 PM CEST
PlaceThe Library Ambiorix 10, Brussels
Register viaFrom Fit-for-55 to REPowerEU: taking stock on green hydrogen developments Tickets, Mon 11 Jul 2022 at 18:00 | Eventbrite before July 7

We are pleased to invite you to our first ever in-person networking event in Brussels, on 11 July 2022 at 6 PM CEST. 

One year after the publication of the EU Commission’s momentous Fit-for-55 Package, we invite you to take stock on the progress of green hydrogen policies to ensure an inclusive and sustainable green hydrogen economy.

While the European institutions and industries are still processing the legislative proposals set out in the ambitious Fit-fot-55 package presented in July 2021, the current geopolitical situation has made it clear that the EU needs to drastically shift up a gear to reach its ambitious hydrogen goals.

The EU urgently needs to diversify energy supplies and accelerate renewable energy projects to overcome dependencies from Russian fossil fuels. The importance of green hydrogen in the REPowerEU plan is reflected by the proposed scale up of electrolyser capacity, the huge investments in hydrogen infrastructure and the two proposed Delegated Acts. These heightened ambitions go hand in hand with a growing ecosystem of entrepreneurs, technology providers, public and private companies developing green hydrogen projects. While this watershed moment offers great opportunities, significant challenges put fast and fair scale up of renewable energy projects at risk. Slow and complex permit-granting procedures, limited storage facilities and, above all, geopolitical tensions across the continent and among EU Member States can prevent the REPowerEU plan from succeeding.

The session will start with a keynote speech, followed by a panel discussion. During the panel, we invite participants to reflect on the challenges and opportunities ahead in our race to net zero. 

The one-hour panel discussion will be followed by a networking moment where we invite speakers and guests to directly contribute to WiGH’s mission to “connect, empower and change”.

Our panelists

Felicia Mester, Director of Public Affairs at Hydrogen Europe

Sevim Aktas, Policy Officer at European Commission

Michaela Holl, Senior Associate at Agora Energiewende

Lucie Boost, EU Affairs Manager at Equinor

Eleonora Moro, Renewable Hydrogen Advisor at GIZ

Moderated by Louisa Kelly, Consultant at Sustainable Public Affairs.


Due to capacity limitation, registrations will be limited. We kindly ask you to confirm your participation before 7th July by registering via this Eventbrite link. We will confirm registrations a few days before the event.

Questions? Contact us at

We thank our sponsors, LIFTE H2 and #SustainablePublicAffairs and our WiGH team member Cosima Sagmeister for making it possible.

We are looking forward to driving the change with you!

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LIFTE H2 is a hydrogen supply chain integrator with differentiated capability in digital operations, product development, project delivery, and industry platforms. Founded by accomplished industry veterans, LIFTE leverages trusted relationships with the best technology and service providers globally to deliver cost, performance, function, and safety that accelerates the hydrogen economy towards realizing the promise of a deeply decarbonized global society.

Sustainable Public Affairs delivers policy-driven growth for sustainable business cases. We are a certified B Corp™, re-inventing Public Affairs by making it a force for market-led sustainability. We work for sustainable frontrunners and are the first purpose-driven Public Affairs agency to only take on cases with a positive impact on the environment.