A conversation with senior women industry leaders about ambition, diversity and getting things done

DateOctober 27, 2022
Time9:30 – 11:30 AM
LocationAvenue de Miramar, Gate D Brussels
Auditorium (Hall 11), Brussels Expo
Register viaWiGH Breakfast – EU Hydrogen Week 2022 – Hydrogen Europe

IMPORTANT: As the event will take place in the same premises as the European Hydrogen Week, please make sure to register there too!

Gender equity and environmental sustainability may seem like unrelated issues, but research shows that they are in fact closely intertwined. Women and other underserved groups are disproportionately impacted by the global climate crisis, but they are also uniquely positioned to lead the fight for sustainability. However, women are underrepresented in strategic decision-making processes as well as in climate politics generally. To close the gap, it is necessary for the industry, governments and third parties to act together in order to promote women in the energy and sustainability sectors – including hydrogen.

In Europe, and around the world, hydrogen is perceived as one of the key technologies to mitigate climate change while powering Europe, but innovation, investments and the right policy frameworks are still needed to make the transition a success. By bringing together senior female experts with a passion for hydrogen and energy we want to discuss the current and upcoming efforts needed to address climate change, energy security, rising energy prices, new technologies – and the role women can play in a changing world.

We also hope to discuss the continuous need to position women in the debate, break barriers to gender-equality and diversity in the sector. The event will be an opportunity for speakers and guests to connect, exchange views and empower each other around an important conversation on the future of women in the energy sector, hydrogen, deployment of new technologies and climate action at large.

Draft programme

09:30-10:00 Arrivals

10:00-10:15 Welcome and introductory remarks by co-organisers:

  • Nevena Sarić, COO, Hydrogen Europe (confirmed)
  • Ivana Jemelkova, Global Hydrogen Lead, Strategic Communications, FTI Consulting (confirmed)
  • Rosa Puentes Fernández, Strategy Team, Women in Green Hydrogen (confirmed)

10:15-11:00 Panel discussion

  • Speakers to be confirmed

11:25-11:30 Closing remarks

Moderator: Ann-Kathrin Lipponer, Policy Officer – Energy System of the Future, Hydrogen, Climate Protection in Industry and co-founder of Women in Green Hydrogen (tbc).