I am an expert in smart and clean energy systems working and living in Switzerland. I serve as Expert for Innosuisse to review proposals for funding. I also do expert review of proposals to the Solar Impulse Foundation since mid-2023. I worked for 25 years on climate and energy and beyond my technical knowledge, I am experienced in climate policy. I have studied fuel cells already during my Masters of Engineering from UCLA in 1997 where I worked on a fuel cell with NASA's JPL.
More recently, I worked on Green Hydrogen in my last position at HEIG-VD in Switzerland. Here we worked on new business models for the energy sector that involve power-to-x, and green H2.
We must combine design and systems thinking to tackle the challenges of our time in the area of climate change and the energy transition using our collective intelligence. All people must be given the chance to contribute to this including youth in developing countries.
I am a sustainability expert with particular expertise in climate mitigation and the energy transition. I have also worked in sustainable finance. I like to establish impactful new foundations or other innovative initiatives. In all my work I use co-creation methods for solution development, and I help teams with the development of strategic partnerships in key business ecosystems.
I have worked for 25 years in the field of decarbonization strategies, climate and energy governance and policy development.
I am also an experienced teacher/facilitator at the intersection of the climate and energy field with the field of innovation management (design thinking, business model innovation, corporate strategy, and strategic alliances).
My last presentation was at this conference where we presented our work from the European project called RegEnergy. It was about microgrid and V2G business models.
I also spoke at a public event at EPFL in October about the Gaznat strategy towards power-to-x and more. See: https://memento.epfl.ch/event/comment-produire-du-gaz-en-suisse-de-maniere-plus-/
My last publication was this Book Chapter in Springer: "Governance Drivers and Barriers for Business Model Transformation in the Energy Sector"
This was the result of our work at EPFL and HEIG-VD under the SCCER-CREST project in Switzerland. This project intended to compare the developments across countries in the space of the energy transition and determine which policies are most powerful in stimulating and supporting new business models in the energy sector such as those supporting new applications of renewable energy locally.
Publications: https://scholar.google.ch/citations?user=mXBZL80AAAAJ&hl=en