
Green Hydrogen is the future and Women Empowerment is at its peak. Long gone are the days when women shy away from pivotal roles. Women work differently, let's say efficiently than Men because we handle several roles at the same time be it in our social circle or at work. Excellent multi taskers, yet we find time to enrich the 'Me' in us. Women in Green Hydrogen would be an excellent platform to educate ourselves, share our knowledge & expertise and give back to the world.

Procurement Officer
/ Abu Dhabi

I started out my career as a Purchase Assistant at a Dairy & Juice company. I had a great mentor who taught me the in and out of Purchasing & Procurement. After five years, I moved in to an Oil & Gas company where I got the opportunity to get involved in the HSE field of the company. Here I learnt about the strict Health, Safety & Environmental requirements and why these requirements were put in place. Now I am into Information Technology sector where again I am getting to learn new things and broaden my knowledge. In short in a span of 20 years I have seen the growth of procurement from stock cards to full fledged ERP systems.

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