Luana de Souza Gaspar

PSR / ESG and Decarbonization Advisor
Rio de Janeiro

Consultant at PSR focused on the decarbonization of the energy sector and the insertion of new technologies, such as green hydrogen and its carriers, advanced biofuels, CCS and electrification. In the field of GH2, I have been involved in projects related to market studies, estimation of production costs in different regions and certification. I have a BSc in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and am currently pursuing a MSc in Electrical Engineering from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).

"Quais os requisitos para a criação de um mercado de hidrogênio verde?" | CEBRI - May22 (

"PSR explica: O potencial do Brasil nos combustíveis 'verdes' | Energy Report - Dez22" (

"Caminhos para Descarbonização do Setor de Energia no Brasil no Horizonte até 2050", 2022 (

World Bank, Brazil Country Climate and Development Report,

CEBDS, Roadmap: Os Caminhos do Setor Empresarial Brasileiro na Transição Energética Nacional,

Kelman, R. , Gaspar, L. , Geyer, F. , Barroso, L. and Pereira, M. (2020) Can Brazil Become a Green Hydrogen Powerhouse?. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 8, 21-32. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2020.811003.

Instituto E+ Transição Energética, Descarbonização do Setor de Energia no Brasil,

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