Linda Schorer

Researcher on electrochemical hydrogen compression

It sets a signal to young women and to the whole world: Green hydrogen is not just the future, it is already here and it is female.

Research Assistant at DHBW Mannheim/Research Cluster Electrochemistry
/ Stuttgart/Mannheim

Linda studied Business Engineering with an energy specialization in the Lausitz region in Germany. For her Master thesis at the EnBW grid operator, she moved to Stuttgart. Since 2014 she is working as a Research Assistant at the Cooperative University (DHBW) in Mannheim. She worked in the MEMPHYS project, funded by the FCH JU, which developed a membrane for the purification of hydrogen. Now she is focussing on her PhD project together with the Technical University Chemnitz on the topic “Energetic Analysis and Optimization of Decentral Micro Hydrogen Refueling Stations Using Electrochemical Compression”.

L. Schorer, S. Schmitz, A. Weber,

Membrane based purification of hydrogen system (MEMPHYS),

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,

Volume 44, Issue 25,


Pages 12708-12714.

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