© Katrin Stolle

Katrin Stolle

I work as scientific project lead in business development for an energy supplier. With research projects we want to prepare our company for the decarbonization of the energy sector with i.a. green hydrogen.

We have to increase the participation of women in decision making positions in the energy world. That works better together - as a network.

Stadtwerke Karlsruhe GmbH

- M.Sc. in Geology and Geochemistry (Freiburg, Germany)

- Project Management - Research of renewable gases (EE-Methane), LNG; www.methquest.de

- Project Lead - Research of hydrogen for heating in industrial areas (identification of business cases)

- experiences abroad: Oman, Norway

Woche des Wasserstoffs, 2024 - Wärmewende in Karlsruhe

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