Ms Zwalve-Erades is a senior legal consultant and has extensive experience in the field of urban development, EIA/SEA and permitting procedures, inter alia on hydrogen facilities. The legislation in this area is complex, facing high ambitions because of climate change and the aim for a more sustainable interaction between people and planet. Therefore she advises different governments (including municipalities), companies and NGO’s on the best approach of their projects, such as wind farms, heating networks and green gas. Hereby she pays special attention to good governance and corporate social responsibility. She also acts as a legal representative of public bodies, private companies, NGO’s or other stakeholders before the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State (High Court). In that role her practical experience as a legal consultant in the field of spatial planning and related legislation and policies is very useful.

Jeanine Zwalve
ConsultingSustainabilityPolicy instrumentsLegal adviceLegal expertise and development of projects for the production of green hydrogenLegal advise
Royal HaskoningDHV
Netherlands / Rotterdam