More than 20 years of experience in materials for solid-state hydrogen storage
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Jasmina Grbović Novaković has Ph.D. in physical chemistry. She is the founder and head of the Center of Excellence for Hydrogen Energy and Renewable Energy Sources. She was a manager of bilateral scientific projects with Spain, France, Italy, and Croatia and a member of the Steering Committees of the international COST Actions MP1103 and CA 15102. As the assistant director for science at the Physics Laboratory of INN Vinča, she was in charge of working with young researchers. From 2010 to 2020, she was the President of the Serbian Microscopy Society She is one of the founders of the Hydrogen Economy Initiative Serbia, a member of the Commission for Acquiring Degrees, and a reviewer of the National Body for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education. She is the winner of the award of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy for outstanding contribution to the development of hydrogen energy in this region (Outstanding service award for 2009). He is the author or co-author of over 200 works published in their entirety in journals or conference proceedings: 55 works in journals from the SCI list, 5 works in domestic journals, over 120 works at international conferences, and 3 chapters in monographs. She was an invited lecturer at several international conferences, as well as the organizer of more than 20 international conferences. She was a guest editor of the book "Novel Perspectives on Hydrogen Storage in Solid Media" and the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, as well as several books of conference proceedings. He is a reviewer in several international journals and projects. At the National Forum for Green Ideas of the Trag Foundation, she won an award for a project in the field of social entrepreneurship - Planting quince in the field of the village of Gornja Trešnjevica. The goal of the project was to use the potential of the village and create new jobs. She is the mother of three children (8 and 9 years old), and the wife of Nikola Novaković, a doctor of physical sciences.
1. J. Grbović Novaković, S. Kurko, S, Milošević Govedarović, T. Pantić, B. Paskaš Mamula, M. Medić, N. Novaković Theoretical and experimental approach to destabilization methods for improvement of hydrogen sorption kinetics in Mg based systems 22nd Conference “New Cryogenic and Isotope Technologies for Energy and Environment” - EnergEn 2018 Băile Govora, Romania, October 24 – 26, 2018 pg. 134-135
2. J. Grbović Novaković, S. Kurko, S. Milošević Govedarović, B. Paskaš Mamula, T. Pantić, R. Vujasin, N. Novaković, Hydrogen desorption for Mg/MgH2 modified thin films, The 21st International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, SCTE'2018 will take place in Vienna, Austria, from March 25 to 29, 2018. ID number 2016
3. J. Grbovic Novakovic. Hydrogen energy, fuel cells and hydrogen storage, Conference Sustainable Trasnsport at RENEXPO 2018. 24-26.4.2018,Belgrade, Serbia.
4. J.Grbovic Novakovic, Hydrogen economy – fuel cell and hydrogen storage Tesla Forum, 04.-07.7 2018. Andreljeva, Fruska Gora, Serbia
5. J Grbovic Novakovic, Hydrogen economy in Serbia –research and development, Workshop: Hydrogen for sustainable energy, 21.12 2016, Zelena akcija,, Zagreb. Croatia
6. J.Grbovic Novakovic, Changes in storage properties of hydrides induced by ion irradiation, 4th international conference on radiation interaction with materials and its use in technologies 2012, Kaunas. Lithuania, 14.05-17.05.2012
7. J.Grbovic Novakovic ,Modification of metal hydrides with heavy ion irradiation First coordination meeting on the Program of cooperation of Serbia and JINR: Condensed Matter Physics with Ion Beams 25-27.02.2010, Dubna Russia
8. J.Grbović Novaković, T. Brdarić, N.Novaković, S Mentus Hydrogen storage in magnesium based alloys French-Serbian European summer University: Renewable energy and envirioment-multidiciplinary aspect, October 17th-October 24th, 2006, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, Proceedings, pg. 59-72
1.S Milošević, S. Kurko, L. Pasquini, Lj. Matović., R. Vujasin, N. Novaković, J. Grbović Novaković, Fast hydrogen sorption from MgH2–VO2(B) composite materials, Journal of Power Sources 307 (2016) 481- 488
2. D. Milcius, J. Grobović Novaković, R. Zostautienė, M. Lelis, D. Girdzevicius, M. Urbonavicius, Combined XRD and XPS analysis of ex-situ and in-situ plasma hydrogenated magnetron sputtered Mg films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 647 (2015)790-796
3. A. Đukić, U. Jovanović, T. Tuvić, V. Andrić, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Ivanović, Lj. Matović, The potential of ball-milled Serbian natural clay for removal of heavy metal contaminants from wastewaters: Simultaneous sorption of Ni, Cr, Cd and Pb ions, Ceramics International 39(6) (2013) 7173-7178
4. S. Milošević, Ž. Rašković-Lovre, S. Kurko, R. Vujasin, N. Cvjetićanin, Lj. Matović, J. Grbović Novaković, Influence of VO2 nanostructured ceramics on hydrogen desorption properties from magnesium hydride, Ceramics International, 39(1) (2013) 51-56
5. J.Grbović Novaković, Preface of the 1st European Early Stage Researchers' Conferences on Hydrogen Storage International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (27) (2013) 12102
6. J. Gulicovski, Ž. Rašković-Lovre, S. Kurko, R. Vujasin, Z. Jovanović, Lj. Matović, J. Grbović Novaković, Influence of vacant CeO2 nanostructured ceramics on MgH2 hydrogen desorption properties, Ceramics International 38 (2) (2012) 1181-1186
7. S. Kurko, B. Paskaš Mamula, Lj. Matović, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković, The Influence Of Boron Doping Concentration On MgH2 Electronic Structure, Acta Physica Polonica A 120(2)(2011)238-241
8. J. Grbović Novaković, Lj. Matović,S. Milovanović, M. Drvendžija, N. Novaković, D. Rajnović, M. Šiljegović, Z. Kačarević Popović, N. Ivanović, Changes of hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 induced by heavy ion irradiation, Int.J.Hyd. Energy 33(7) (2008) 1876-1879
9.S. Milovanović, Lj. Matović, M Drvendžija, J. Grbović Novaković
Hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 - diatomite composites obtained by high energy ball milling, Journal of Microscopy- Oxford, 232(3) (2008) 522-525.
10. A. Bassetti, E. Bonetti, L. Pasquini, A.Montone, J. Grbović, M.Vittori Antisari, Hydrogen desorption from ball milled MgH2 catalyzed with Fe, The European Physical Journal B, 43(2005)19-37