Ingrid Gonzales

PhD Student in the Iberoamerican Administrative Law at Universidade da Coruña. Researcher in governance and energy transition. Environmental and Corporate Law Professor.

Green Hydrogen is an important alternative to decarbonize the energy sector and to achieve sustainability. But we can not talk about sustainability without equality.

The "Women in Green Hydrogen Network" is a key pillar to visualize women participation in the energy sector transformation and a step forward for gender equality.

Managing Partner at BisCapital
/ Lima

Natural resources, environmental and energy lawyer. Climate change governance researcher. Sustainability, business ethics and gender equality engaged. Contracts and project manager, compliance and risk legal advisor.

"Peruvian Regulation on Water Disposal in Oil Operations" (2012)

Gonzales, Ingrid (2011) Incentivos para la mejora continua del desempeño ambiental en empresas reguladas / PUCP /

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