© Ilissa Ocko

Ilissa Ocko

Scientist studying climate implications of hydrogen.

Environmental Defense Fund, Sr. Climate Scientist II
Washington DC

Ended soon

I am a climate scientist on a mission to translate the best available science into effective, practical, and actionable strategies to curb climate change in the coming decades. My current focus is the climate implications of hydrogen energy systems.

I work closely with policy and business experts, economists, lawyers, and other scientists to provide climate action guidance for governments, companies, and investors across the world. I am especially passionate about and committed to communicating complex science to non-experts by combining plain language with storytelling and powerful visuals.

Hydrogen Americas Summit - H2-Tech Series: "Overcoming the Hydrogen Industry’s Emissions Challenge", 2023

Briefing for U.S. Congress House of Representatives staff: "Maximizing the Climate Benefits of Hydrogen", 2023 (https://www.eesi.org/briefings/view/060123hydrogen)

SXSW: “Hydrogen: Climate hope or climate hype?”, 2023 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLBc5mwYA68)

National Academy of Sciences Methane Removal Workshop: "Hydrogen deployment implications for atmospheric methane", 2023

Techonomy Climate: “Hydrogen: Climate risks and rewards”, 2023 (https://techonomy.com/video/hydrogen-climate-risks-and-rewards-with-ilissa-ocko/)

TED Countdown: "The fastest way to slow climate change now", 2023 (https://www.ted.com/talks/ilissa_ocko_the_fastest_way_to_slow_climate_change_now?language=en)

Esquivel-Elizondo, S, AH Mejia, T Sun, E Shrestha, SP Hamburg, IB Ocko (2023): Wide range in estimates of hydrogen emissions from infrastructure, Frontiers in Energy Research, 11 (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenrg.2023.1207208/full)

Ocko, IB, S Hamburg (2022): Climate consequences of hydrogen emissions, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 9349–9368 (https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/22/9349/2022/)

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