Christina Wulf

Scientist with a PhD in energy systems analysis

Working on hydrogen since 2010

Forschungszentrum Jülich, Research Fellow
/ Jülich/Hamburg

I am working as a postdoctoral research fellow at Forschungszentrum Jülich within the Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEK-STE) since 2015. I am an engineer in the field of energy and environmental technologies and since 2010 I am working on the assessment of hydrogen energy systems.

UK Nework-H2: Hydrogen Supply Chains from an environmental point of view, 16.10.2020

4. Herbstworkshop Energiespeichersysteme“: Power-to-X Projekte in Europa – Überblick und ökologische Implikationen, 14.10.2019

Wulf, C.; Zapp, P.; Schreiber, A.: Review of Power-to-X demonstration projects in Europe; Frontiers in Energy Research 8 (2020) Is. 191,

Wulf, C.; Werker, J.; Ball, C.; Zapp, P.; Kuckshinrichs, W.: Review of Sustainability Assessment Approaches based on Life Cycles; Sustainability 11 (2019) Is. 20

Wulf, C.; Reuß, M.; Grube, M.; Zapp, P.; Robinius, M.; Hake, J.-F.; Stolten, D.: Life Cycle Assessment of hydrogen transport and distribution options; Journal of Cleaner Production 199 (2018) S. 431-443

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