Educated in Petroleum Engineering and after 10+ years in the oil and gas industry, decided to use my energy industry expertise to accelerate green hydrogen production instead. I have advised major energy companies, governments, investors and bankers in the energy industry. Currently starting a software company of my own to bring electrolyzer technology forward.
The Women in Green Hydrogen network is important because this is an opportunity for women to come together and change the way the energy industry works and also the way decisions are made, from men and government-centric, to more inclusive and decentralised.
Educated in Petroleum Engineering and after 10+ years in the oil and gas industry, decided to use my Energy industry expertise to accelerate green hydrogen production instead. I have advised major energy companies, governments, investors and bankers in the energy industry. Currently starting a software company of my own to bring electrolyzer technology forward.
See Linkedin for presentations and articles
See Linkedin for presentations and articles