© Ayat-Allah Bouramdane

Ayat-Allah Bouramdane

Researcher addressing climate-energy challenges.

As hydrogen in water, our potential is often hidden, but once unleashed, it can illuminate the world. It's a beautiful metaphor that reminds us that each of us possesses abilities and talents that can have a significant impact once we let them express themselves.

The Women in Green Hydrogen Network is essential for fostering diversity, inclusion, and innovation in the emerging field of green hydrogen. As we strive towards a sustainable energy future, it's crucial to ensure that all voices are heard and represented. This network provides a platform for women to collaborate, share insights, and drive progress in the green hydrogen sector. By promoting gender diversity, we can harness a broader range of perspectives and talents, leading to more innovative solutions and accelerating the transition to clean energy. Ultimately, the Women in Green Hydrogen Network plays a pivotal role in building a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

I recently participated in the Women and Science Month, between February 11 (International Day of Women and Girls in Science) and March 8 (International Women's Rights Day), proposed by École Polytechnique with the support of the École Polytechnique Foundation.

Find my portrait at: https://www.polytechnique.edu/actualites/femmes-et-science-portrait-de-ayat-allah-bouramdane

The portrait is also available in the 123rd issue of the monthly newsletter of the École Polytechnique: https://m.dixit-polytechnique.com/rest/head/mirrorPage/@k8Ty7lDlcm83rEHgp1YBsWZCnT-v0Jg2AIk1d8dtDJfMKeHjIim0leTsNpcVfbheDWlsM-xF7qqmbSvF14UxvlZb0uSNco4sDpYXc30714fLdhdQ.html

Assistant Professor at the International University of Rabat (LERMA, College E&A).

I am an assistant professor focusing on the modeling and optimization of energy systems (renewables, storage, hydrogen) in the current and future climate impacted by climate change scenarios. My academic journey began after obtaining my Baccalaureat in Mathematics in 2012, followed by an energy engineering degree at the International University of Rabat in 2017, with an exchange program between EEIGM, ENSEM, and FST of Lorraine University in Nancy. In 2018, I obtained my STEEM master's degree from l'X, with a master’s thesis at GeePs at CentraleSupélec-Université Paris-Saclay, followed by a PhD at Institut Polytechnique de Paris - École Polytechnique (LMD-IPSL), and a postdoctoral researcher position as a group leader in modeling at a solar energy research platform.

My expertise involves identifying the optimal technological and geographical distribution of renewable technologies for green hydrogen production across different penetration and climate scenarios, considering technical, economic, and environmental factors.

I conduct thorough life cycle assessments and cost analyses for hydrogen production and fuel cell technologies to compare their environmental footprint and economic viability.

Additionally, I focus on enhancing the cybersecurity of hydrogen-based smart grids, integrating artificial intelligence for resilience.

In a recent study, I analyzed water management strategies in smart cities to reduce water consumption for green hydrogen production.

My research has yielded peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. I've also served as a reviewer for esteemed journals. In November 2023, I received the "Best Researcher Award" in the "International Research Awards on Civil and Environmental Engineering".

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024,"Morocco’s Earthquake Risk Management: A Multi-Criteria DecisionMaking Approach and Implications for the Recent Japan Earthquake", European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6158

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024, "Sustainable Management Strategies for Non-Conventional Water Resources: Enhancing Food and Water Security in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions", European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2856

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024, "Impacts du Changement Climatique sur la Santé Publique et Solutions pour des Villes Durables", 91e Congrès de l'Acfas | Colloque 641 - Villes-Santé et Développement Durable, 14-15 mai 2024, Université d'Ottawa, UIR-Center for Global Studies, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), https://www.acfas.ca/evenements/congres/programme/91/600/641/c

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024, "Securing the Power of the Future: Cybersecurity in Smart Grids Integrating Hydrogen", RENEWABLEFORUM2024, September 09-11 2024, Dubai, UAE, https://www.continuumforums.com/2024/renewableforum#speakers

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "How to Manage Vulnerabilities in the Renewable Energy Environment?", Leadvent Group, Renewable Energy Cyber Security Forum 2023, Berlin, Germany, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7730062.

Recorded Presentation: https://c2.floor.bz/10trecording/odashs3/bfhgchh/gehbcg/gcfhgf/recording/f02c715b6f48516fa7a7d68339174482_625765.mp4

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Determining Vulnerable Areas to Warming and Drought in Africa and Morocco Based on CMIP6 Projections: Towards the Implementation of Mitigation and Adaptation Measures", European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2456

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2022, "Identifying Large-Scale Photovoltaic and Concentrated Solar Power Hot Spots: Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Framework", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER) 2023, Paris, France, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7324107. URL: https://publications.waset.org/abstracts/157186/identifying-large-scale-photovoltaic-and-concentrated-solar-power-hot-spots-multi-criteria-decision-making-framework

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2022, "Site Suitability of Offshore Wind Energy: A Combination of Geographic Referenced Information and Analytic Hierarchy Process", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER) 2023, Paris, France. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7324191. URL: https://publications.waset.org/abstracts/157240/site-suitability-of-offshore-wind-energy-a-combination-of-geographic-referenced-information-and-analytic-hierarchy-process

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2022, "Spatial Suitability Assessment of Onshore Wind Systems Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER) 2023, Istanbul, Turkey, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7324223. URL: https://publications.waset.org/abstracts/157232/spatial-suitability-assessment-of-onshore-wind-systems-using-the-analytic-hierarchy-process

Bouramdane, A.-A.; Tantet, A.; Drobinski, P., 2021, "Sensitivity of the Moroccan Mix to the Integration of Thermal and Battery Storage Combined with Concentrated Solar Power and Photovoltaic: Impact of Storage and Cost", United Research Forum, International E-Conference on Renewable Energy and Resources 2021, https://assets.unitedresearchforum.com/proceedings/ayat-allah-bouramdane_625_10.pdf.

Recorded Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjgkHbGVP44&t=15637s

Bouramdane, A.-A.; Tantet, A.; Drobinski, P., 2021, "Sensitivity of the Moroccan Mix to the Integration of Thermal and Battery Storage Combined with Concentrated Solar Power and Photovoltaics: Design, Dispatch and Optimal Mix Analysis", European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8755

Bouramdane, A.-A.; Tantet, A.; Drobinski, P., 2021, "Utility-Scale PV-Battery versus CSP-Thermal Storage in Morocco: Storage, Cost and Climate Change Effect under Penetration Scenarios", Albedo Meetings, International Meet on Nanotechnology (NANOMEET2021) 2021, Porto, Portugal, https://www.albedomeetings.com/cms/pdfs/NANOMEET2021_abstract_book.pdf.

Bouramdane, A.-A.; Tantet, A.; Drobinski, P., 2020, "Adequacy of Renewable Energy Mixes with Concentrated Solar Power and Photovoltaic in Morocco: Impact of Thermal Storage and Cost", 6th Edition of the Scientific Days on Climate and Impacts, Campus of Paris-Saclay University, Ecole CentraleSupelec 2020, https://premc.org/doc/Climat-Impacts-2020/Livret_resumes.pdf;

Recorded Presentation: https://premc.org/climat-impacts-2020/posters/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2020, "Adequacy of Renewable Energy Mixes with Concentrated Solar Power and Photovoltaic in Morocco: Impact of Thermal Storage and Cost", Webinar on Renewable Energy and Resources, Renewable Energy 2020, London, UK, https://www.pulsus.com/scholarly-articles/adequacy-of-renewable-energy-mixes-with-concentrated-solar-power-and-photovoltaic-inmorocco-impact-of-thermal-storage-an.pdf

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2020, "Comparing the Integration of Concentrated Solar Power with Thermal Energy Storage to Utility-Scale Photovoltaic with Battery Storage in the Moroccan Renewable Energy Mix: Design, Dispatch and Optimal Mix Analysis", United Research Forum, International E-Conference on Geological and Environmental Sustainability 2020, https://assets.unitedresearchforum.com/proceedings/miss-ayat-allah-bouramdane_254_32.pdf;

Recorded Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnHQoYwFvsA&t=1169s

------------ Peer-Reviewed Publications

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024, "Morocco's Path to a Climate-Resilient Energy Transition: Identifying Emission Drivers, Proposing Solutions, and Addressing Barriers", EDP Sciences - Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET), Formerly Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles (eISSN: 1953-8189), https://doi.org/10.2516/stet/2024021

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024, "Enhancing Disaster Management in Smart Cities Through MCDM-AHP Analysis Amid 21st Century Challenges", Information System and Smart City (ISSC), https://ojs.acad-pub.com/index.php/ISSC/article/view/189

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024, "Shaping Resilient Buildings and Cities: Climate Change Impacts, Metrics, and Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation", Information System and Smart City (ISSC), https://ojs.acad-pub.com/index.php/ISSC/article/view/190

Bouramdane, A.-A., Degiovanni, A., 2024, "Retrofitting Moroccan Industrial Heating Processes: Dicastal Wheel's Production Plant as a Case Study in the Sustainable Shift from Natural Gas to Green Hydrogen", Laboratory of Renewable Energies and Advanced Materials (LERMA), College of Engineering and Architecture, International University of Rabat (IUR), http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.29433.03688

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024, "Natural Hazards in Electricity Grids: From Landscape Dynamics to Optimal Mitigation and Adaptation Approaches", Emergency Management Science and Technology (EMST), http://dx.doi.org/10.48130/emst-0024-0003

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Crafting an Optimal Portfolio for Sustainable Hydrogen Production Choices in Morocco", Fuel-Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2023.130292.

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Optimal Water Management Strategies: Paving the Way for Sustainability in Smart Cities", Smart Cities-MDPI, https://doi.org/10.3390/smartcities6050128.

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Cyberattacks in Smart Grids: Challenges and Solving the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Cybersecurity Options, Including Ones That Incorporate Artificial Intelligence, Using an Analytical Hierarchy Process", Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy (JCP)-MDPI, https://doi.org/10.3390/jcp3040031.

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "L’Oasis d’Hydrogène Vert Pour Une Agriculture Marocaine Durable", La Jaune et la Rouge N°790, Le Magazine des Alumni de Polytechnique, Dossier : Environnement et Société, URL: https://www.lajauneetlarouge.com/loasis-dhydrogene-vert-pour-une-agriculture-marocaine-durable/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Ma thèse en une page : « Choix optimal de technologies renouvelables au Maroc en fonction des scénarios de pénétration et du climat », La Revue de l'Énergie N°668, éditée par le Conseil Français de l'Énergie, URL: https://www.larevuedelenergie.com/choix-optimal-de-technologies-renouvelables-au-maroc-en-fonction-des-scenarios-de-penetration-et-du-climat/

Pour commander ce numéro : https://www.larevuedelenergie.com/abonnement/la-revue-de-lenergie-668/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Assessing The Environmental Impact Of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technologies (PEMFCs, SOFCs, AFCs): A Cradle-To-Gate Attributional Life Cycle Analysis", GREEN ECONOMICS, , http://jomardpublishing.com/UploadFiles/Files/journals/GE/V1N2/BouramdaneA.pdf

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2022, "Assessment of CMIP6 Multi-Model Projections Worldwide: Which Regions Are Getting Warmer and Are Going through a Drought in Africa and Morocco? What Changes from CMIP5 to CMIP6?", Sustainability-MDPI, https://doi.org/10.3390/su15010690.

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2021, "Scenarios of Large-Scale Solar Integration with Wind in Morocco: Impact of Storage, Cost, Spatio-Temporal Complementarity and Climate Change". Institut Polytechnique de Paris, [PhD Thesis], Physics, https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-03518906.

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2021, "Moroccan Electricity Mix Modeling and Optimization in Current and Future Warming Climates "E4CLIM_Bouramdane_2018-2021". Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, [Thesis Code], https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7594188.

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2021, "RCP 8.5 Climate Change Versus Cost Effect on Optimal Scenario Mixes of Variable and Dispatchable Technologies in Morocco: Climate Model Inter-Comparison", Institut Polytechnique de Paris, [Thesis Chapter], https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7594129.

Bouramdane, A.-A.; Tantet, A.; Drobinski, P., 2021, "Utility-Scale PV-Battery versus CSP-Thermal Storage in Morocco: Storage and Cost Effect under Penetration Scenarios", Energies-MDPI, https://doi.org/10.3390/en14154675.

Bouramdane, A.-A.; Tantet, A.; Drobinski, P., 2020, "Adequacy of Renewable Energy Mixes with Concentrated Solar Power and Photovoltaic in Morocco: Impact of Thermal Storage and Cost", Energies-MDPI, https://doi.org/10.3390/en13195087.

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2018, "Operating Photovoltaic Power Plants: Big Data and Modeling", École Polytechnique-GeePs CentraleSupelec [Master's Thesis], http://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.17832.24324.

-------------------------- Books:

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Hydrogen Production Technologies: Modeling, Pros and Cons, Applications, Suitable Regions, and Unveiling Sustainability and Economics Through LCA and LCC", Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), ISBN: 978-620-6-78174-5, Category: "Heating-Energy and Electrical Network Technology".

The book is available for purchase here: https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786206781745

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Unlocking Photovoltaic Potential in Climate Action-Challenged Countries", Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), ISBN: 978-620-6-84437-2, Category: "Heating-Energy and Electrical Network Technology".

The book is available for purchase here: https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786206844372

Get a copy in many language here: https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/translation-bundle/e1751605240

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Climate Resilience: Insights from Global Negotiations and Morocco's Path to Sustainability", Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), ISBN: 978-620-6-75083-3, Category: "General Natural Sciences".

The book is available for purchase here: https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786206750833

Get a copy in many language here: https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/translation-bundle/a0559d0d940

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Climate Risks and Energy Transition in Morocco: Vulnerability to Climate Losses and Damages and Uncertainty in the Renewable Electricity Mix Under Different Penetration", Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), ISBN: 978-620-6-17980-1, Category: "General Natural Sciences".

The book is available for purchase here: https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786206179801

Get a copy in many language here: https://www.morebooks.shop/gb/translation_bundle_cb314d0c040

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Potential Site for Offshore Floating Photovoltaic Systems in Morocco: Evaluation Criteria Required Considering Climate Change Effects to Achieve the Energy Trilemma", Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), ISBN: 978-620-6-15964-3, Category: "Heating-Energy and Electrical Network Technology".

The book is available for purchase here: https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786206159643

Get a copy in many language here: https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/translation-bundle/48db9fb8e40

-------------------------- Articles - Scientific Magazine (énergie/mines et carrières)

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024, "Analyse des Matériaux des Catalyseurs pour la Synthèse de l’Ammoniac à Partir de l’Hydrogène Vert", énergie/mines et carrières, URL: https://energiemines.ma/analyse-des-materiaux-des-catalyseurs-pour-la-synthese-de-lammoniac-a-partir-de-lhydrogene-vert/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024, "Vers une Production d’Hydrogène Vert au Maroc : Quel Système Énergétique Privilégier ?", énergie/mines et carrières, URL: https://energiemines.ma/vers-une-production-dhydrogene-vert-au-maroc-quel-systeme-energetique-privilegier/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2024, "Analyse Holistique des Stratégies de Gestion de la Crise de l’Eau : Une Évaluation Sous Divers Critères", énergie/mines et carrières, URL: https://energiemines.ma/analyse-holistique-des-strategies-de-gestion-de-la-crise-de-leau-une-evaluation-sous-divers-criteres/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Key Takeaways from COP28 Conference on Climate Change", énergie/mines et carrières, URL: https://energiemines.ma/key-takeaways-from-cop28-conference-on-climate-change/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Africa’s Vulnerability and the Road Ahead from COP27 to COP28", énergie/mines et carrières, URL: https://energiemines.ma/africas-vulnerability-and-the-road-ahead-from-cop27-to-cop28/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Un Avenir Hydrogéné au Maroc : Dessalement de l’Eau – Défis et Promesses", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10284712, URL: https://energiemines.ma/un-avenir-hydrogene-au-maroc-dessalement-de-leau-defis-et-promesses/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Role of Smart Grids in Achieving Paris Agreement Goals and Determining Optimal Cybersecurity Measures", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8418765, URL: https://energiemines.ma/role-of-smart-grids-in-achieving-paris-agreement-goals-and-determining-optimal-cybersecurity-measures/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Production d'hydrogène vert au Maroc: Quelle technologie est la plus adaptée à différents niveaux de pénétration renouvelable?", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8144588. URL: https://energiemines.ma/production-hydrogene-vert-maroc-technologie-renouvelable/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Préservation des Ressources d'Eau et Transition Énergétique: Point sur le Photovoltaïque Flottant", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8021774. URL: https://energiemines.ma/preservation-des-ressources-deau-et-transition-energetique-point-sur-le-photovoltaique-flottant/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Solutions Pour Réduire la Pression sur l'Eau", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8021765. URL: https://energiemines.ma/solutions-pour-rerduire-pression-eau/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Lieux Les Plus Sensibles Au Changement Climatique Nécessitant des Mesures d'Atténuation et d'Adaptation", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7937556. URL: https://energiemines.ma/lieux-les-plus-sensibles-au-changement-climatique-necessitant-des-mesures-dattenuation-et-dadaptation/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Hydrogène, Captage et Stockage du CO2 et Sobriété Énergétique : Tour d’Horizon", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7774592. URL: https://energiemines.ma/hydrogene-captage-et-stockage-du-co2-et-sobriete-energetique-tour-dhorizon/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Quelle Relation entre Agriculture et Changement Climatique?", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7730008. URL: https://energiemines.ma/quelle-relation-entre-agriculture-et-changement-climatique/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2023, "Minéraux de la Transition Énergétique : Criticité Géologique, Géostratégique et Environnementale", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7594617. URL: https://energiemines.ma/mineraux-de-la-transition-energetique-criticite-geologique-geostrategique-et-environnementale/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2022, "Mix Électrique Marocain : Défis Face à l’Urgence Climatique", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7594427. URL: https://energiemines.ma/mix-electrique-marocain-defis-face-a-lurgence-climatique/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2022, "Pourquoi l’Atténuation et l’Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques sont Complémentaires ?", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7594404. URL: https://energiemines.ma/pourquoi-lattenuation-et-ladaptation-aux-changements-climatiques-sont-complementaires/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2022, "Agrivoltaïque, De Quoi Parle-t-on Au Juste?", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7594342. URL: https://energiemines.ma/agrivoltaique-de-quoi-parle-t-on-au-juste/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2022, "Sécheresse: L’extrême Va-t-il Progressivement Devenir la Norme?", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7594311. URL: https://energiemines.ma/secheresse-lextreme-va-t-il-progressivement-devenir-la-norme/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2022, "Chaleur Caniculaire, Incendies Gigantesques à Répétition: Des Signes du Changement Climatique?", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7594264. URL: https://energiemines.ma/chaleur-caniculaire-incendies-gigantesques-a-repetition-des-signes-du-changement-climatique/

Bouramdane, A.-A., 2022, "PV, CSP et Éolien au Maroc : Intégration à Géométrie Variable", énergie/mines et carrières, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7594221. URL: https://energiemines.ma/pv-csp-et-eolien-au-maroc-integration-a-geometrie-variable/

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