Researcher with expertise in Electrolysis, and green hydrogen
Hi All, I am currently working as a researcher at EPRI Europe DAC supporting advancements in low-carbon energy systems, and focussing on prospects of hydrogen as a future zero carbon fuel. After 10 years of training myself in Chemical Engineering concepts and principles in top universities across the world I am grateful to apply my passion for a zero-carbon future to increasing knowledge to drive growth in electrolysis, and end use applications of low/zero carbon energy carbons.
My research has been driven by my love for creating and executing high level ideas. My master thesis focussed on investigating the "Factors affecting the overall performance of a small-scale microwave plasma gasifier converting biomass to syngas", which was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. This research was also applied to the "re-invent the toilet".
Now I am excited and keen to apply my knowledge and 7 years of experience in academic research towards dissemination and co-ordinating research activities.
YES Europe, "State of Play of Hydrogen Storage and Distribution in the EU", 2021,
I'm an Engineer, get me out of here: PhD researcher, Green Zone & Kilogram Zone, 2019-2021
Famelab Ireland: "How Hydrogen Can Bring Stability to an Unstable Future", 2020,
International Conference on Green Energy Technologies (ICGET): "Multi-dimensional evaluation of low and high temperature electrolysers for capturing non-transportable renewable electricity", 2019
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineers (WCCE): "Potential to use Power-toGas in an isolated or segemented network", 2017
Aruna Chandrasekar, Damian Flynn, Eoin Syron,
"Operational challenges for low and high temperature electrolyzers exploiting curtailed wind energy for hydrogen production",
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 46, Issue 57, 2021, Pages 28900-28911,
ISSN 0360-3199,