© AS Corbeau

Anne-Sophie Corbeau

CGEP Columbia University
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Anne-Sophie Corbeau is a Global Research Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. Her research focuses on hydrogen and natural gas. Anne-Sophie has over 20 years of experience in the energy industry and is a recognized expert on natural gas. She is the author of many publications focusing on gas, LNG markets, Asia, China, India and Africa, including the book “LNG markets in transition: the great reconfiguration” (Oxford, 2016). She is also a member of the Gastech governing body.

Flame Conference, "Building up and integrating the hydrogen value chain: exploring the best global resources, understanding costs for production and encouraging demand growth", April 2024

Gren Hydrogen Summit Oman, "Policies, Regulations and Certifications", December 2023

Horizons Hydrogène, "Géopolitique : quels nouveaux enjeux ?", November 2023

IEA-IEF-OPEC symposium: "Scaling Up Hydrogen:  Recent Policy Developments", May 2023

Flame Conference, "Head to head EU vs US hydrogen", May 2023

CSIS, "45V and Defining Green Hydrogen", May 2023, https://www.csis.org/events/45v-and-defining-green-hydrogen

France Hydrogène, "Hydrogène aux Etats Unis", February 2023

Horizons Hydrogène, "Géopolitique et impact sur le marché de l’hydrogène", November 2023

CGEP, National Hydrogen Strategies and Roadmap Tracker, https://www.energypolicy.columbia.edu/publications/national-hydrogen-strategies-and-roadmap-tracker/

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