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Almudena Nunez

I am here because many women worked hard and opened doors to me, I hope I can do the same for many more wome to come

VNG AG Energy & Climate Policy Advisor International Relations

Almudena Nunez holds a Bacherlor’s degree on International Relations with specialization on Business and International Finances from Anahuac University in Mexico, her home country and a Master’s in Public Policy with specialization on International Political Economy and European Public Policy from the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy Germany. She has professional experience in energy and sustainability, technology adoption for human capital, congressional affairs, and space policy. She was a Research Associate at RIFS Potsdam as part of the HYPAT Project focusing her research on hydrogen policy, regulation and quality infrastructure measures. She joined the VNG AG on January 2024 as Energy & Climate Policy Advisor for International Relations.

https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_6002778_4/component/file_6002779/content ; https://hypat.de/hypat-wAssets/docs/new/publications/Hypat-Discussion-Paper-05_2023-Mobilizing-Europe-s-Full-Hydrogen-Potential.pdf ; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370623589_Positioning_Germany_in_an_International_Hydrogen_Economy_A_Policy_Review ; https://www.unido.org/sites/default/files/unido-publications/2024-02/Green%20hydrogen%20for%20Sustainable%20Industrial%20Development%20A%20Policy%20Toolkit%20for%20Developing%20Countries.pdf

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