The only way to save the planet for ourselves and the next generation before it is too late is to encourage women and let them work together with men.
I work more than 8 years as a researcher in the sectors of modeling and developing energy systems, computational and theoretical analysis of energy systems both in Germany and Iran. In my future, I would like to work on improvement of renewable and sustainable energy resources and their accessibility in the undeveloped countries together with the developed countries.
1.Presentation, “Parametric study of the turbulent flow inside a spherical jet stirred reactor”, 71st Annual APS, DFD Meeting, Atlanta, US, G. Esmaeelzade, K. Moshammer, R. Fernandes, D. Markus, U. Mass, H. Grosshans, 2018.
2.Poster, “ Optimization of new fuel characterization in a jet stirred reactor”, G. Esmaeelzade, K. Moshammer, R. Fernandes, D. Markus, U. Mass, H. Grosshans, Kraftstoffe für die Mobilität von morgen, Braunschweig, DE, 2018.
3. Poster, Numerical simulations of jet stirred reactors, G. Esmaeelzade, K. Moshammer, R. Fernandes, D. Markus, H. Grosshans, 28. Deutscher Flammentag, Darmstadt, DE, September 2017.
4. Presentation, “Numerical study of the mixing inside a jet stirred reactor using large eddy simulations” G. Esmaeelzade, K. Moshammer, R. Fernandes, D. Markus, H. Grosshans, International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, Cincinnati, US, October 2017.
5. Presentation, “Premixed flame response to velocity perturbations considering the effects of flame speed development” G. Esmaeelzade, R. Riazi, M. Sabour, The 2nd Iranian Association of Aerospace Propulsion Conference, Tehran, Ir, November 2013.
1.“Parametrical investigation for the optimization of spherical jet-stirred reactors design using large eddy simulations”, G. Esmaeelzade, K. Moshammer, D. Markus, U. Mass, H. Grosshans, SN Applied Science, Volume 3, No. 9, Pages 1-15, 2021.
2. “Numerical study of the mixing inside a jet stirred reactor using large eddy simulations”, G. Esmaeelzade, K. Moshammer, R. Fernandes, D. Markus, H. Grosshans, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Volume 102, No. 2, Pages 331-343, 2019.
3. “Simulation of the flow of an explosive atmosphere exposed to a hot surface”, S. Velagala, P. Raval, S.C.S Chowhan, G. Esmaeelzade, M. Beyer, H. Grosshans, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volume 73, Page 104610, 2021.
4. Analysis of the turbulent flow structure in a jet stirred reactor using proper orthogonal decomposition, E. Hodzic, G. Esmaeelzade, K. Moshammer, R. Fernandes, D. Markus, M. Geron1, J. Early, H. Grosshans, IMEKO, Belfast, UK, 2018.
5.“Theoretical analysis of the conical premixed flame response to upstream velocity disturbances considering flame speed development effects” G. Esmaeelzade, M. Khani, R. Riazi, M.H. Sabour, Propulsion and Power Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 70-78, 2017.
6.“Three-dimensional simulation of a novel rotary-piston engine in the motoring mode” M. Khani, G. Esmaeelzade, Propulsion and Power Research, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 195-205.