PhD student in Engineering Sciences at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
I have been working on energy storage devices since my Master's degree on Environmental Sciences.
The Women in Green Hydrogen Network is important to me because it let us women to work in what we are experts, share, and encourage girls and women to be part of this.
I have been working on Energy Storage devices since my Master's degree and I continue on doing so now that I am studying a PhD in Engineering Sciences. I think energy storage is being more important as our compsumtion of energy is getting higher, as well as the tecnologies for its generation.
XXXII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica: "Elaboración de un dieléctrico a base de nanotubos de carbono dopados con boro".
Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics 2017: "Synthesis of Boron-doped carbon nanotubes with DC electric arc discharge".
Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics 2017: "Multilayer graphene growth assisted by sulfur using the arc discharge method at ambient conditions".
XXVII Congreso Técnico Científico ININ-SUTIN: "Caracterización de nanotubos de carbono dopados con boro".
XXIII Congreos de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Electroquímica: "Influencia del dopaje con boro de nanotubos de carbono en supercapacitores".
45th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science: "Biogas conversion and syngas upgrading via warm plasma reforming".
45th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science: "Boron doped nanotubes produced by thermal plasma and their potential use as supercapacitor".
P. Vilchis-Gutiérrez, M. Pacheco, J. Pacheco, R. Valdivia, C. Barrera, P. Balderas, A. Santana, X. Tu, 2018: Elaboration of a Dielectric Based on Boron Doped Carbon Nanotubes, ININ, UAEMéx, ITESM, University of Liverpool (
P. Vilchis, M. Pacheco, R. Valdivia, J. Pacheco, C. Barrera, H. Frías, 2018: Synthesis of Boron-doped carbon nanotubes with DC electric arc discharge, ININ, UAEMéx (
M. Pacheco, D. Mendoza, R. Valdivia, A. Santana, L. Escobar, J. Pacheco, P. Vilchis, X. Tu, 2018: Multilayer graphene growth assisted by sulfur using the arc discharge method at ambient conditions, ININ, UAEMéx (