A curious environmental researcher who is passionate about coastal planning, renewable energies, community engagement, policymaking, R&D and innovation.
“If you want to go far, you go alone. If you want to go further, you go together” South African saying
Júlia Terra is a Marie-Curie PhD researcher at the National University of Ireland in Galway (NUIGalway) developing her PhD in Political Sciences. She holds an Erasmus Mundus MSc. in Water and Coastal Management from the University of Bologna, University of Cádiz, and University of Algarve (2020) and an Environmental Management degree from the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (2018). She has an international and multidisciplinary research background in environmental chemistry, education and management, and in renewable energy-related socio-economic analyses obtained from the research groups she worked in Brazil, Portugal, Spain, and Ireland. Her current research focuses on the analysis of Green Hydrogen and Green industries development under the European new Green Deal, Covid Recovery Plans, and other EU measures and incentives connected to the cleaner industries-energy transition nexus at a political science angle. Solar2Chem seeks to fill the existing gap in the European industrial landscape in the area of solar chemicals production and usage in technical, economic, and policy aspects.
Joves I Ciencia 2022 science school: Hydrogen Economy - Past, Present, and Future (2022) https://www.fundaciocatalunya-lapedrera.com/en/youth-and-science;
I International Conference on Water and Coastal Management WACOMA - Session 4 Integrated coastal zone management and marine spatial planning: Implications of Offshore Wind Energy Developments in Coastal and Maritime Tourism and Recreation (2021) https://www.wacoma.eu/programme/;
10TH FSR ANNUAL CONFERENCE: The national shaping of Europe’s Emerging Hydrogen Strategies: Cooperative or Competitive Hydrogen politics? (2021)https://fsr.eui.eu/the-national-shaping-of-europes-emerging-hydrogen-strategies/;
Sustainable Energy Europe: Solar Hydrogen: the change in the energy–chemistry nexus
(2021) https://www.sustainableenergyeurope.com/speakers/julia-machado/;
Second Multi-frame webinar: "Conflicts and synergies between the sitting of offshore wind
farms and marine recreation and tourism sectors" (2021) https://www.submariner-network.eu/events/477-ocean-multi-useresearch-
Machado, J. T., Flynn, B., & Williamson, I. (2022). The national shaping of Europe’s emerging hydrogen strategies: Cooperative or competitive hydrogen Politics?. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 23(1), 77-96 https://doi.org/10.1177/17835917221082935;
Parques Eólicos Offshore e o Setor de Turismo & Recreação: Uma Revisão de Conflitos e Sinergias (2021) doi: 10.26359/costas.e1521;
EcoMagazine UN Ocean Decade edition - Environmental Coastal & Offshore Magazine ISSN 2327-3445 (2021)