© Me

Veronica Tito

Legan and Regulatory consultant in Energy

Although the entire energy sector is important, the development of hydrogen represents a challenge in terms of climate change and a sector in which women have a way to go and have more possibilities of insertion.

Regulatory Consultant

Lawyer and Graduate in Public Relations. Master in Energy Management and specialist in Oil and Gas Law and Environmental Law. Diploma in Public Policies for the Sustainable Development of the Sea, in Integral Management of Climate Change and in Hydrogen Management.

Consultant in Energy, Environment and Sustainability. Since 2020, I have been a legal and regulatory consultant to the National Secretariat of Energy on oil & gas and energy transition issues. Between 2011 and 2019 I was Provincial Director of Legal Affairs of the Secretary of Energy and Hydrocarbons of the Province of Tierra del Fuego and Assistant Secretary of OFEPHI (Federal Organization of Hydrocarbon Producing States).

Graduate professor at various academic institutions (UCA, Universidad Austral, CEARE, among others). Author of various technical papers on offshore and unconventional hydrocarbon activity.

In 2022 she published the book "The exploration and exploitation of offshore hydrocarbons in the Argentine Republic. Its legal framework: opportunities and challenges.

Golbal Hydrogen Foro -GH2 and CFI). Bariloche, Argentina, may 2023.

Trainning in Renewable Energíes and Hidrogen (KEA-BID). Corea, september 2023.

Speaker at "South Atlantic Offshore Conference" EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers. Montevideo, september 2023.

Panelist CHILE LAC 2023 5th Green Hydrogen Summit, october 2023.

Panelist Hydrogen and Natural Gas Session. Energy Week OLADE, november 2023.

Keynote Speakeraller at World Hydrogen Latin America, Chile, december 2023.

Book “La exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos “of shore” en la República Argentina. Su marco legal: oportunidades y desafíos.” Editorial Abaco, 2022.

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