© Mishma

Dr. Mishma Silvia Stanislaus

Research Scientist at IISc, Co-Author & Researcher - SDG Corporate Guidebooks at SHERPA institute

Forums like WiGH Network aids women across the spectrum in breaking the glass ceiling in the hydrogen space

Indian Institute of Science, Research Scientist

Being an environmentalist, I have focused on developing my skills and qualifications to alleviate the socio-economic issues prevalent in the domain of climate change, sustainable development, and energy economy. I started my research in renewable energy technologies at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, where I completed my Master’s and Ph.D. My research topic focused on the sustainable production of hydrogen and biogas from various types of biomass. Upon returning to India, I got involved with an initiative to help local women entrepreneurs in setting up their businesses. My internship in Japan made me competent in supporting women entrepreneurs in setting up websites, social media campaigns, and marketing strategies for their respective businesses.

I believe that the environmental issues we face today, we face as a global community; so the opportunity to be part of a global team appealed to me. I joined SHERPA Institute, a not-for-profit, and am currently volunteering as a researcher and co-author for SDG 4, 7, and 13 Corporate Guidebooks. Working on sustainable development is my passion and at IISc I am striving towards bringing the SDGs to fruition through my involvement in the ‘green’ hydrogen project. My work at CGPL, IISc is focused on the characterization of hydrogen produced from biomass as per ISO 14687-2019 for PEMFC application. This involves working on and maintenance of the state-of-the-art facilities that have been set up at CGPL, for the characterization of bio-hydrogen. I am also involved in overseeing activities and projects pertaining to the end-utilization of bio-hydrogen in PEMFC, writing research proposals, and reporting to various stakeholders. I am certain that the green hydrogen technology at CGPL will play a huge role in the Indian hydrogen economy.

1) Hydrogen Online Workshop: "Hydrogen from biomass

a carbon negative approach," 2023 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dr-mishma_how2023-how-to-produce-hydrogen-from-biomass-activity-7064642918908657664-8R6t?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

2) Symposium on 'Green Hydrogen:' "Green Hydrogen from biomass," 2023 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/muitindia_greenhydrogen-maharishiuniversity-renewableenergy-activity-7048944907457036288-XLKE?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

3) Hydrogen Technology Expo: "Current hydrogen production Vs demand forecasting," 2023 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dr-mishma_hydrogen-expo-experience-activity-7059958893203902465-ph9x?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

4) Hydrogen Technology Expo: Panel discussion - "Are Current Policies Enough to Support India in Making a Multi-Sector Global Hydrogen Economy," 2023 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dr-mishma_hydrogen-expo-experience-activity-7059958893203902465-ph9x?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

5) Mission Hydrogen Webinar: "Hydrogen from biomass," 2023 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dr-mishma_hydrogen-biomass-webinar-activity-7059197284718153728-TcF6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

6) Net Zero Summit 2023 (Upcoming): "Green Hydrogen from biomass through gasification – fuel cell application" https://netzerosummits.in/


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